Mise à jour 1712 pour Configuration Manager Technology Preview disponible !

By | 29 décembre 2017

Microsoft vient de mettre à disposition la version Technology Preview 1712 de Configuration Manager.

Parmi les nouveautés de cette préversion on retrouve :

  • Surface Device dashboard improvements – The Surface dashboard now displays firmware version for Surface devices rather than operating system version.
  • Improvements to Office 365 client management dashboard – The Office 365 client management dashboard now displays a list of relevant devices when graph sections are selected.
  • Install multiple applications in Software Center – Click the multi-select icon on the Applications tab in Software Center. In this mode, select multiple applications and then install all together using the Install Selected button.
    Client-based PXE – Configure clients to respond to PXE requests without adding the distribution point role.

Nouveautés basés sur le feedback de la communauté :

  • Renamed collections display in existing collection membership rules – When a collection is a member of another collection and it is renamed, the new name is updated under membership rules.
  • Allow user interaction when installing applications as system – Now users can interact with an application installation user interface in system context even during a task sequence.
  • Do not automatically upgrade superseded applications – In this release you have the option to configure an application deployment to not automatically upgrade any superseded version.
  • Device list displays primary user – Device lists under Assets and Compliance, Devices, now display the primary user by default. The last logged on user can also be added as an optional column.

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